If you want any of KAZ Talent Services Consultation, please click below for the request form.
KAZ タレント・サービスのコンサルティングをご希望の方は・・・

Consultation Request From こちらをクリック→ HERE:

After filling the request form, please send it with
your personal check, not a money order, payable to KAZ Talent Services  to the  address below.
KAZ Talent Services 宛てパーソナル・チェク(マ ネーオーダーは受けません)を、以下のアドレスまでお送りください。
KAZ Talent Services
P.O.Box 642738
Los Angeles, CA 90064-2738

 Lastly, those who send in the request form, please e-mail and let us know that you have sent "The request form and a check".

Thank you.
We will be glad to help you and your child to have a fun and exciting modeling life!

Any questions? ご質問は、こちらへ↓

KAZ Talent Services e-mail
KAZ Talent Services phone (310) 397-2090